
Showing posts from July, 2018

16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year B

Next Saturday is the last time that the Music Group will be leading the music at Mass - the Vigil of the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B - before the summer break. ENTRANCE - Here in this place/Gather us in. KYRIE - Camino Mass GLORIA - Camino Mass GOSPEL ACCLAMATION - 1 PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS - Now in this banquet, Christ is our bread. SANCTUS - High Peak Mass. AGNUS DEI - High Peak Mass. COMMUNION PROCESSIONAL - Dona nobis pacem. RECESSIONAL - O praise our great and gracious Lord. The Communion Processional is a canon in three parts, which we have not used before. It's a little reminiscent of some TaizĂ© chants and is ideal as a Processional in that it is short and simple to learn yet, given its repetitive form, is meditative in a mantra-like style.  The three parts makes it quite a lovely piece.

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

The Vigil Music Group is leading the music at tomorrow's Mass, the Vigil of the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. ENTRANCE - Be thou my vision. KYRIE - Camino Mass GLORIA - Camino Mass GOSPEL ACCLAMATION - 6 PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS - Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you. SANCTUS - Mass of St Philip Howard. AGNUS DEI - Mass of St Philip Howard. COMMUNION PROCESSIONAL - All that is hidden. RECESSIONAL - You are salt for the earth, O people/Bring forth the Kingdom of God. Our version of "Be thou my vision" is greatly influenced by CJM - the same melody but different guitar chords which very much suits our sort of setup.