
Hello and welcome to this new blog.  It is for members and friends (and those who are just curious) of the music ministry group that leads the music at the Vigil Mass at All Saints RC Church in Glossop, Derbyshire, England.

In this blog I will detail the music that we play and occasionally offer some thoughts and reflections.  There is also the possibility for you to make comment or offer feedback - please do feel free to do so.

This replaces an already-existing page on Facebook which I'm leaving due to recent adverse press.

If you access the menu (top left hamburger) you will be able to follow the blog and/or sign up for email notifications.

As you will notice in the "Who am I?" section, I have another blog, "Grassroots Liturgist" where I offer more detailed thoughts as well as practical suggestions for those involved in similar music ministry groups.


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