7th Sunday of Easter - Year B

Several of our group went to Coventry last Saturday to a "Spring Gathering", organised by the Society of St Gregory, where we explored "what makes good liturgy".  It was an informative and rewarding day and we brought back plenty of food for thought for our own ministry in Glossop.

So, after missing a week in our usual fortnightly rota, we resume our music ministry this coming Saturday, the Vigil of the 7th Sunday of Easter.

ENTRANCE:-  We come to share our story/Song of the Body of Christ.
KYRIE:-  Mass of St Philip Howard.
GLORIA:-  Mass of St Philip Howard.
PSALM:-  "Sing the Psalms Simply" (J. Ainslie)
PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS:-  Majesty, worship his majesty.
SANCTUS:-  Mass of St Philip Howard.
AGNUS DEI:-  Mass of St Philip Howard.
COMMUNION:-  There is one thing I ask of the Lord.
RECESSIONAL:-  Alleluia, sing to Jesus.


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