26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

The Music Group is leading the music at this weekend's Vigil Mass. 

ENTRANCE:       Christ be our light (Longing for light, we wait in darkness)
KYRIE:                Camino Mass
GLORIA:             Camino Mass
PSALM:               from "Sing the Psalms Simply
OFFERTORY:      When I needed a neighbour
SANCTUS:          Camino Mass
AGNUS DEI:       Camino Mass
COMMUNION:   Ubi caritas
RECESSIONAL:  God has chosen me

We are using the plainchant "Ubi caritas" during the Communion Procession - the one that is used during the Offertory Procession at the Maundy Thursday Mass.

The Recessional is new to our parish.  I have wanted to use it for a while and was convinced to give it a go after we sang it at the SSG Spring Gathering this year.


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